- "The Value of Logistic Flexibility in E-commerce," with Bing Bai, Tat Chan and Fuqiang Zhang, Management Science (2025).
- "The Choice Overload Effect in Online Retailing Platforms," with Xiaoyang Long, Jiankun Sun and Hengchen Dai, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (2024).
- "The Click-Based MNL Model: A Novel Framework for Modeling Click Data in Assortment Optimization," with Ali Aouad, Jacob Feldman and Danny Segev, Management Science (2024).
- "A High-Dimensional Choice Model for Online Retailing," with Zhaohui Jiang and Jun Li, Management Science (2023).
- "The Impact of Social Nudges on User-Generated Content for Social Network Platforms.," with Zhiyu Zeng, Hengchen Dai, Heng Zhang, Renyu Zhang and Max Shen, Management Science (2022). [ GitHub]
- "The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Gig Economy Labor Supply," with Xinyu Cao and Lei Huang, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (2022).
- "The Impacts of Algorithmic Work Assignment on Fairness Perceptions and Productivity: Evidence from Field Experiments," with Bing Bai, Hengchen Dai, Fuqiang Zhang and Haoyuan Hu, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (2022).
- "Cold Start on Online Advertising Platforms: Data-Driven Algorithms and Field Experiment.," with Zikun Ye, Heng Zhang, Renyu Zhang and Xin Chen, Management Science (2022). [ GitHub]
- "Can Deep Reinforcement Learning Improve Inventory Management? Performance on Dual Sourcing, Lost Sales and Multi-Echelon Problems," with Joren Gijsbrechts, Robert N. Boute, Jan A. Van Mieghem, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (2021). [ GitHub]
- "Customer Choice Models versus Machine Learning: Finding Optimal Product Displays on Alibaba," with Jake Feldman, Operations Research (2021). [ GitHub]
- "How Does Bonus Payment Affect the Demand for Auto Loans and Their Delinquency?," with Zhenling Jiang and Tat Chan, Journal of Marketing Research (2021).
- "Predicting Human Discretion to Adjust Algorithmic Prescription: A Large-Scale Field Experiment in Bin Packing Warehouse Operations," with Jiankun Sun, Haoyuan Hu and Jan A. Van Mieghem,Management Science (2020).
- "Information Sharing on Retail Platforms," with Zekun Liu and Fuqinag Zhang, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (2020).
- "NetEase Cloud Music Data," with Ming Hu, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (2020).
- "The Value of Pop-Up Stores on Retailing Platforms: Evidence from a Field Experiment with Alibaba," with Hengchen Dai and Lingxiu Dong, Management Science (2019).
- "The Long-term and Spillover Effects of Price Promotions on Retailing Platforms: Evidence from a Large Randomized Experiment on Alibaba," with Hengchen Dai and Lingxiu Dong, Management Science (2019).
- "Peer Bargaining and Productivity in Teams: Gender and the Inequitable Division of Pay," with Lamar Pierce and Laura W. Wang, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (2019).
- "Prosocial Goal Pursuit in Crowdfunding: Evidence from Kickstarter," with Hengchen Dai, Journal of Marketing Research (2018).
- "Reducing Discrimination with Reviews in the Sharing Economy: Evidence from Field Experiments on Airbnb," with Ruomeng Cui and Jun Li, Management Science (2018).
- "Learning from Inventory Availability Information: Evidence from Field Experiments on Amazon," with Ruomeng Cui and Achal Bassamboo, Management Science (2017).
- "The Operational Value of Social Media Information," with Ruomeng Cui, Antonio Moreno and Santiago Gallino, Production and Operations Management (2017).
- "Does Social Interaction Improve Learning Outcomes? Evidence from Field Experiments on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)," with Gad Allon and Jan Van Mieghem, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (2016).
- "Hospital Readmission Reduction Program: An Economic and Operational Analysis," with Itai Gurvich, Jan A. Van Mieghem, Eric Park, Mark Williams and Robert Young, Management Science (2016).
Selected Papers Under Review
- "Large Language Models for Market Research: A Data-augmentation Approach," with Mengxin Wang, Heng Zhang, Submitted.
- "Deep Learning Based Causal Inference for Large-Scale Combinatorial Experiments: Theory and Empirical Evidence," with Zikun Ye, Zhiqi Zhang, Heng Zhang, Renyu Zhang, major revision in Management Science.
- "The Value of Customer-Related Information on Service Platforms: Evidence From a Large Field Experiment," with Zhiyu Zeng, Nick Clyde, Hengchen Dai and Max Shen, 3rd round major revision in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
- "Green E-commerce: Environmental Impact of Fast Delivery," with Chenshan Hu, Xiaoyang Long and Jiankun Sun, major revision in Management Science.
- "The Effects of Diversity in Algorithmic Recommendations on Digital Content Consumption: A Field Experiment," with Guangying Chen and Tat Chan, major revision in Management Science.
- "Using Algorithmic Scores to Measure the Impacts of Targeting Promotional Messages," with Annie Shi and Tat Chan, risky revision in Journal of Marketing Research.
- "How Forced Intervention Facilitates Long-term Algorithm Adoption," with Xinyu Cao, Chenshan Hu and Jiankun Sun, major revision in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
Books, Practitioner and Conference Publications
- "Large Language Models for Market Research: A Data-augmentation Approach," with Mengxin Wang and Heng Zhang, NeurIPS Workshop on Statistical Frontiers in LLMs and Foundation Models, 2024
- "Deep Learning Based Causal Inference for Large-Scale Combinatorial Experiments: Theory and Empirical Evidence," with Zikun Ye, Zhiqi Zhang, Heng Zhang, Renyu Zhang, 23th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC'23) (2023)
- "Applied Machine Learning in Operations Management,” with Hamsa Bastani and Heng Zhang Innovative Technology at the Interface of Finance and Operations (2020).
- "Agent Pricing in the Sharing Economy: Evidence from Airbnb. Sharing Economy: Making Supply Meet Demand,” with Antonio Moreno and Jun Li , M. Hu (Ed.), in Springer Series in Supply Chain Management, C. Tang (2018).
- "A Better Way to Fight Discrimination in the Sharing Economy,” with Jun Li and Ruomeng Cui, Harvard Business Review (2017).
- "Achieving Flexibility in LDPC Code Design by Absorbing Set Elimination," with Jiadong Wang, Shayan Srinivasa and Lara Dolecek, Proc. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (2011).